Logloblization?Imagine the fried milkfish belly restaurant at the corner of your street can be found in supermarkets around the world. Once you were in the UK, you bought one to eat, but found that the fish belly was removed and smeared with basil cream.
The actual example is actually pearl milk tea. (A.k.a. Boba tea.) Still the same bubble milk tea, but when it went abroad, what changed are not only taste but also colors! Another example is the traditional Japanese cuisine, sushi. This famous food has been altered, reshaped and transformed into whole new dishes that beyond the imagination of Japanese. However, these changes are necessary if you don’t want to be completely excluded.
If it got the luck to localize successfully, it could even develop into local uniqueness. This acculturation evolves into a new culture and affects both the original culture and the new culture that imported the culture. It shortened the gap of two cultures while producing another kind of diversity. The new culture will be similar to its parents, but not exactly the same. Perhaps, logloblization is not really making the world absorb a particular culture, but presenting its existence to the world.
"Different" is an attraction
Globalization is a marketing tool, and the real purpose is to generate pull factors.
Wouldn’t you like to eat a Pastel de nata when you went to Portugal instead of queuing for a pineapple cake? The attraction of geographical limitations lies in the rarities and the psychological factors of pursuing “local”. That is, even if the fast food restaurants sell Portuguese custard tarts, you will still want to go to Portugal to eat the “authentic” one.

The more local, the more international.
Tasteful, exquisite, designed, aesthetically pleasing. How to present historical feature of a culture in a modern way? How to present a foreign product that is not part of the local culture? How to use culture to create heterogeneous appeal?
Design itself is such an attraction. Therefore, designing from the perspective of culture is an essential element to compete internationally. The context of the product must be harmoniously integrated into the environment while presenting its own personality. The degree of modification, expression, and manipulation are the key to the success of cross-culture product design.
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