大部分人家裡急救箱裝的是繃帶、鑷子和紗布,而不是手術刀、止血鉗或骨鋸。當然啦,除非你是外科醫生。 為公眾日常使用而設計的日用品,與為專業人士設計,用於特定用途的產品有很大不同。以OK繃為例,OK繃的設計在使用上毫不費力,而繃帶需要些技巧才能正確使用。比起OK繃受限於小割傷和...
文庫 Archive
The Influences of 3D Printing
What is 3D printing?
3D Printed Gun Controversy-Open Resource Design and Democratizing Manufacturing
3D Printed Gun Controversy-Are We Making A Mountain Out of A Molehill?
The Simplicity of Product Design
Industrial Design and The Pursuit of Beauty
Using The Right Language-Part Two